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Writer's pictureLouisa Lindsey-Clark

Snow White is on the road!

It always feels like Christmas is looming when all the props and costumes are made, the rehearsals are over, and the Panto crew head off to the first show of the winter season. Ahhhh, a huge sigh of relief that its all come together, as it always does, at the 11th hour. It just wouldn't be the same if November wasnt the craziest month of the year for us!

Our tour over the coming weeks is full - schools and day centres mostly - 50 shows altogether! Thousands and thousands of you lovely lot will see our panto this year.

If we aren't coming to you, there are just 2 opportunities to see the show this year:

Friday 5th January - This show is for our special needs community. Children, adults and young people who find it difficult to access theatre, this show is for you. (free tickets for staff/carers)

Saturday 13th January - This is for everyone else!

Happy Pantomime Time to all x

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